without qualification

美 [wɪˈðaʊt ˌkwɑːlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]英 [wɪˈðaʊt ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]
  • 无条件地;毫无保留地
without qualificationwithout qualification
  1. You can accept his statement without qualification .


  2. Evidence that is obtained by qualified analysts based upon methods recommended in " Standard Methods " is normally accepted in the courts of the United States without qualification .


  3. The plan was approved without qualification .


  4. I will tell you the truth without qualification .


  5. I have accepted his offer without qualification ( with certain qualifications ) .


  6. The scientific research personnel who held the post without qualification must be transferred to another post .


  7. I welcome the minister 's announcement without qualification .


  8. The son , Jesus Christ , is without qualification both true God and true man .


  9. Without qualification ; used informally as ( often pejorative ) intensifiers .


  10. It performs the interbank borrowing with any institution without qualification for interbank borrowing business ;


  11. When the term " annealing " is applied to ferrous alloys without qualification , full annealing is implied .


  12. In both these forms , the second input parameter , a text string , contains the name of the parameter without qualification .


  13. It is all the more worrying because growing demand for caregivers means increasing number of people are taking up these jobs without qualification .


  14. Statement does not include an alias name , elements defined within the imported namespace can be used in the module without qualification .


  15. The vast majority publishing houses and a large number of organizations and individuals without qualification are publishing and issuing reference books nowadays .


  16. Returns true if public members of the global object are available to the script engine without qualification , as if they are part of the global namespace .


  17. In this paper the author argues that it is unconvincing to assert without qualification that the socio economic factor plays the decisive role in population distribution .


  18. Virtually every single first encounter that leads to more starts with a smile , so this dating rule suggests smiling at everyone you encounter , without qualification .


  19. A general acceptance assents without qualification to the order of the drawer . a qualified acceptance in express terms varies the effect of the bill as drawn .


  20. Without qualification , I am grateful to and have the highest regard and respect for all of the wonderful people on Two and Half Men with whom I have worked over the past ten years and who have become an extension of my family .


  21. Last year , one in five boys left school without a qualification


  22. The statement was made without any qualification .


  23. No person without practice qualification may engage in futures business activities in any institution .


  24. Appointing directors and senior managerial personnel without undergoing qualification examination ;


  25. But without further qualification this judgment is susceptible of gross interpretative oversimplification .


  26. In many countries , environmental NGOs can acquire non-profit artificial person qualification and the public interest ones . They can also exist without the qualification .


  27. The determination of misappropriating public funds to the enterprise without corporate qualification should be subjectively clarified that this enterprise has no corporate qualification .


  28. No institution may employ any personnel without practice qualification to engage in the futures business or has any fraudulent act in the process of application for practice qualification .


  29. It is prohibited to produce , sell or use fire control products without passing qualification check by the inspection organ designated in accordance with regulations of the Product Quality Law .


  30. The securities company shall employ enough business staff with the qualification of futures practitionsers and shall not recruit business staff without the qualification of futures practitionsers to carry out the recommendation of business .
